
Local Sports

How It Works

Local Computerized Services, LLC has created a new national membership service called "Local Sports History".  This video is designed to help explain how this service works.  You can view this video on this page and you can expand it to the full screen of your computer.  The presentation is given from the perspective of the website design software.  Please direct any questions that you may have directly to LCS using the contact form below.  Thank you.

Everyone Started Somewhere

What's your story?  Whether you've made it to the highest level of your profession, or you just want to reminiscence about the "good old days" this site is designed to document sports related history for research purposes and plain old nostalgia.  Reconnect with your school, teammates, friends & acquaintances.  Follow the history of your favorite athlete.  Remember those who have made positive impacts on your life.  Everyone had a start somewhere.  Sports is one of the main catalyst in the lives of most of us.

Franchise Opportunities are Available!  Watch this video to learn more.

Please submit your questions or comments below.  Thank you.

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