HOF Nomination - Culpeper, Orange, Madison VA

(Local Area, HOF-1)

HOF Locator

List Of Current Nominees

Learn more about the "Local Area" by reading the article below.

Please complete this nomination form and submit it by pressing the "Submit" button.

Hall Of Fame Nomination Form

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The Local Area

Culpeper, Orange, and Madison counties in Virginia are early history relatives of the colonial age for this part of the United States. In fact, Culpeper was born from Orange County. Subsequently, both Madison and Rappahannock were born from Culpeper County. Therefore, the link between these counties goes back in time for many years. Thus, it would be both natural and reasonable to link these counties together when it comes to local sports history.

In recent years and decades, there have been a multitude of people who have made significant contributions toward sports for this area. This is not limited only to outstanding athletes. For example, businesses are actively involved in promoting and supporting sporting events for our local communities. The local school systems clearly play a vital role in the growth and development of sports in all smaller communities. However, let’s give due credit to those activities that lead up (and progressively build up) to the levels in the schools that ultimately gain the recognition for all things related to community athletics. In other words, local sports activities typically began at an early age, when you talk about those who participate in such programs. And, for those who sacrificed much toward the building blocks of local athletics, our smaller communities are very grateful. With that said, the local Hall of Fame (HOFLA) would like to respectfully recognize all those deserving of honor for significant contributions to the local sporting cause. As a resident of this area, you are invited to participate in the nomination (and ultimately the selection) of those worthy of sports related recognition. This is your opportunity to say, “Thank you”.

Local Area Sports "Hall Of Fame" Online Nomination

The nomination form is for the general public of this area to use in making individual selections for the local Hall Of Fame (see Nomination Form).  Nominations will be accepted throughout the year.  The deadline for submitting your nomination is December 31st.

If you represent a school, your school must be registered to have your very own local "Hall Of Fame" (click the "Register Your School" button below). 

This local area sports "Hall Of Fame" will honor significant contributors of local sports for Culpeper, Orange, and Madison, VA as one united HOF. 

This is a non-controversial, politically free service.  Submit your choice for the local nominee (see "Nomination Form").  All nominations must be submitted by December 31st of each year.  The "Selection Committee" is represented by (at large) members of your community that choose to participate in this annual online selection.  Please let us know if you would like to be on the selection committee.  In January, the selection committee will choose from the top nominees (up to 10 nominees) to collectively determine this years inductees (see "Induction Selection Form" below).  The inductees will be announced on this site in February of each year.

Notes: For high schools, your current school Principal and Athletic Director will oversee this local process.  They may recommend nominees, but will not participate in the induction selection.  Results will be tallied up for all online submissions covering the calendar year ending December 31st (click on "HOF Guidelines" below for HOFLA rules).  Your initial HOF will have up to 5 inductees.  Subsequent years may produce up to 3 new inductees.  If your nominee is not inducted this year, please nominate them each year until they are inducted.

Register Your School HOF Guidelines Current Nominee Listing for 2023 HOF Class Of 2023

Induction Selection Form

This form is for the selection committee and will not be used until the month of January to select this years inductees.  The list of finalists will include up to 10 people.  The selection committee consists of many nominee submitters and will be determined in advance.  The list of finalists are included in the form below (see below).  You will be able to select "only one" finalist for the local HOF.  The top finalists will then be determined as new members of the HOF for this year.  There will be "up to" 5 inductees for the first year of your HOF (and "up to" 3 for each subsequent year).

Induction Selection Form

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